
Participate in Study Groups for 13+ Entrance Exams

It is not easy to go through 13+ entrance exams all by yourself. It would be better to do it when you have help from your peers. Thus, better study for the exam in a study group. You can even be friends with this study group when the exam is over. You can join charity groups together, win sports groups, and even field trips. Yes, it would feel great to have friends that you can depend on when the situation does not look as pretty as it used to be. The exam will need some group study efforts as well as individual too. It won’t be long before you would want to hang out with that group again. There will be a cast of diverse characters and some of them would not be well received. All of them have different attitudes but you know you must get along with all of them. It is normal for some to be arrogant and some to be extremely nice. They would all be useful at some point and you will get what you need from them. They should also be free regarding voicing out their opinions when the time is right. If the study group is big, expect it to be divided into a few small groups. When there is a big event, the group will be united. There will be times when there are other study groups that would challenge the group in a variety of ways. When that happens, you must do your part to protect the group no matter what happens.

There will always be the tough person in the group. It would usually be the person who is the oldest. Just because someone is old, it means he is free to think what he wants. There are times when he would order other people around and it would be up to them if they would be able to stand that or not. Of course, there will come a time when they would not want to exact revenge on this person when he least expects it. By that time, they would all be fed up of his antics and it would come down to not knowing what he is about to expect. Everyone should take into their positions and boot that person out of the group. They would really have no reason to let him stay if he does not really provide any contribution to the team. It is like letting someone in your group and you will end up forgetting that he is there because he just keeps quiet the entire time. It won’t be long before the group gets bigger when the other members let their personal interests get the best of them. Also, it won’t last for just one subject as you can all study for different subjects and you will find out that two or three heads are better than one. For example, you may know one lesson but some are not too familiar with it.